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This website is provided by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit, in and for Broward County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as "Clerk") as a public service. Some of the services available on this site are offered without charge to the User. Other optional services are offered as a convenience to the public and are available as premium services to the User and for these optional and premium services the Clerk charges reasonable fees to the User.
This website is intended for the private use of the public for general informational purposes only. It remains the User’s responsibility to meet all obligations required by law and court order to assure full and timely compliance on all cases, charges and citations. The information available through this website should not be relied upon as the official court record or for any type of legal action. Official copies of court records are available from the Clerk division in which the case is filed.
The User is expressly prohibited from reproducing, publishing online, selling, reselling or otherwise disseminating data or information accessed pursuant to this Disclaimer, except as permitted by law. The information accessed is not intended or permitted to be used for commercial resale, except as permitted by law.
For using this site, you agree to not use or permit others to use the Clerk’s site, functions of the site, or information obtained from this site for commercial or resale purposes, and acknowledge that all activity on this site will be tracked and monitored by the Clerk to enforce this provision. Users have no expectation of Privacy. The Clerk reserves the right to monitor, including tracking transaction metrics, such as, but not limited to, number of searches, number of results, number of files, network bandwidth utilized, amount of data, or other measurements involved in any transaction(s) or transfer(s). The Clerk further reserves the right to limit transaction(s), including but not limited to, number of searches, number of results, number of files, network bandwidth utilized, amount of data, duration of session, time of day or other measurement. In cases of excessive searches, results, downloads, or other transactions, the Clerk reserves the right to suspend the related account, IP address(es), domain(s), and/or computer(s).
The information provided through this site is extracted from the Clerk's electronic record databases and is not the official record of the Clerk. Dissemination of the information accessed pursuant to this Disclaimer is subject to and controlled by United States Code, Florida Statutes, Supreme Court of Florida Rules of Court and orders of courts of appropriate jurisdiction.
The information presented on this website is real time, with the exception of the Report Download Services which are generally updated by 7:00 a.m. each day with the prior day's entries, but events may occur in which data updates may be delayed and/or the website may become unavailable, and therefore, the information available through this site is not warranted to be accurate or current. Only records maintained by the Clerk shall be considered as official records.
This site is intended to be available seven days a week by twenty-four hours a day but the Clerk makes no guarantee in this regard.
The Clerk has taken reasonable actions to protect the security of information provided by the User when using the fee-based services optionally provided through this site. These actions include the use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and data encryption of sensitive data. The Clerk makes no guarantee in this regard.
The User is responsible for the appropriate use, maintenance and control of the 'User Identification' (User ID's) and 'Password(s)' associated with the use of this site. All actions and services utilized for the fee-based portions of this site are the responsibility of the User. Any loss of password control should be immediately corrected by the User by either changing the password or, if necessary, requesting a change of the User account name (User ID). Actions requested of the Clerk may be submitted through the email service provided through this site.
This website is provided by the Clerk as a best-effort convenience for users of the service. Availability of this site cannot be guaranteed by the Clerk, and the User should not rely upon it for court proceedings. Should this website service fail, or otherwise be interrupted, the user expressly agrees that the Clerk shall be held harmless for any and all damages resulting from the Service Interruption, and should expect that the trial or other legal proceedings shall continue without delay. It is the user’s responsibility to be prepared for court and the User understands that he/she is responsible for obtaining all documents necessary to continue with the court proceedings on his or her own.
Electronic Court Records are not available for all court cases. Below are the effective dates eFiling was mandated for the following court records:
Effective 04/01/2013, efiling was mandated for new and existing cases in Circuit Civil, County Civil, Family, Domestic Violence, Probate, Guardianship and certain Mental Health cases. All court records filed since this date are available in electronic format. Pleadings filed before this date are available from the Clerk in the court file in paper format.
Effective 01/06/2014, efiling was mandated for new and existing cases in Circuit Criminal Felony, Juvenile Delinquency and Traffic and Misdemeanor. All court records filed since this date are available in electronic format. Pleadings filed before this date are available from the Clerk in the court file in paper format.
Based upon Florida Statutes, some court records are not available to be viewed on this site, but may be obtained for viewing at the courthouse where the case file is located, unless they are confidential.
The Clerk charges reasonable fees for optional premium services provided through this site as allowed by law. The Clerk reserves the right to change the fees and service provisions at any time. No refunds will be made for early termination of services once purchased by the User or for errors and service utilization incurred due to User error. If you need to contact the Clerk's office, you may do so via the email service provided through this site.
User acknowledges that a convenience fee is associated with the payment of fines and fees due on Parking and Code Enforcement, Traffic Infractions, municipal ordinances, criminal traffic, misdemeanors and felony offenses.
Unauthorized access, utilization, disclosure, modification or any alteration of any component of this website is expressly prohibited and is punishable as provided by law. Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under any and all applicable laws.
Without waiving any other defenses or immunities provided by law, the Clerk shall not be liable for any demand or claim, regardless of form of action, arising out of or incident to the posting of information or data on this website, including, but not limited to those resulting from accessing or using any information or data on this website or the acts or omissions of any person or entity accessing or using any information or data or information contained on this website, or claims arising out of or incident to incorrect or incomplete data or information contained on this site.
All users are advised to independently verify any information or data obtained pursuant to this Disclaimer with the official court record information maintained in the court file. User agrees that all services are provided "as is", and neither the Clerk, the custodians, nor their third-party providers make any representation or warranty with respect to accuracy, completeness, or real-time status; and they specifically disclaim any other warranty, expressed, implied or statutory, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the Clerk, its officers, employees and agents, nor the custodians of records being accessed expressly or impliedly warrant that the information or data accessed by the User is accurate or correct, and shall not be liable on account of any such errors, omissions, delays, or losses. There are no expressed or implied warranties in connection with this service. User agrees that in no event will the Clerk, the custodians, nor their third-party providers be liable for the results of User's use of the services, inability or failure to conduct its business, or for indirect, special or consequential damages. The foregoing limitation of liability and exclusion of certain damages shall apply regardless of the success or effectiveness of other remedies.
User hereby relieves and releases the Clerk, its officers, employees, agents, and the custodians from liability and any and all damages resulting from interrupted services of any kind. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as waiving the sovereign immunity of Clerk, its officers, employees and agents.
The Clerk provides no warranties of any kind or nature, express or implied, and specifically disclaims any and all warranties of any kind or nature, express or implied including, but not limited to, those with regard to any computer programs, materials or services in connection with this website. The Clerk diligently strives to maintain accurate, complete and timely data on this website but shall not be liable for any consequential, exemplary, incidental or special damages arising from or in connection with data or information accessed via this website.
Last Updated: 07/22/2016
201 SE 6th Street
Fort LauderdalePublic Records Custodian Pursuant to 119.12(2), F.S.
Public Access to Judicial Records Pursuant To Rule 2.420
Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity.
Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
© 2025 - All rights reserved
You will then receive an email at the address you provided during the registration process. This email contains a link to complete your new account registration. After clicking the link in the email you are ready to log in.
Note: If you do not receive the email, look in your spam and junk email folders. If you have a spam filter activated, remove the email address noreply@browardclerk.org